
For testing connection flow, it can be really useful to have the ability to start standalone instances in one map while the server starts in another. However, since the server map name override is applied only if the NetMode != EPlayNetMode::PIE_Client, any standalone instances will use the map name override as well. Even if a separate server is not being launched and the option is greyed out, the map name override will still be used for standalone instances if there is one provided.
This only occurs for non-PIE editor instances. In PIE, this option is not applied, as expected.

Steps to Reproduce

In the advanced play settings, select Launch Separate Server, set the Play Net Mode to Play Standalone, and provide a map name in Server Map Name Override that is different to the editor's currently loaded map.
Use the "Standalone Game" Play Mode to launch the server and standalone instances.
Expected: the server instance will load the map specified by Server Map Name Override, and the standalone instance will load the editor's current map.
Actual: both instances load the Server Map Name Override level.

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ComponentUE - Networking
Affects Versions5.2
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit24580255
Main Commit24580255
CreatedMar 9, 2023
ResolvedMar 9, 2023
UpdatedApr 29, 2023
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