
Using Ctrl+Drag in 4.8 will not affect the location of selected actor if the viewport camera is facing away from selected actor. In 4.7.6 the actor would travel along the X axis even if the camera was not looking at the actor (Regression).

Working CL: 2513093

Broken CL: 2513846

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open UE4 Editor (any project)
2. Add cube mesh to the level
3. Turn camera to face away from the mesh
4. Hold Ctrl+LMB and drag mouse to the right
5. Turn back to the mesh

Cube is in the same location as before turning away

Cube moves along the X axis when mouse is dragged.

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Affects Versions4.8.14.9
Target Fix4.10
Fix Commit2645061
Release Commit2715982
CreatedJul 8, 2015
ResolvedAug 6, 2015
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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