Matinee movie recording is broken in 4.10

Tools - Dec 18, 2015

When trying to record a movie from a matinee in 4.10, it can fail for a number of reasons: 1. The folder does not exist 2. The cinematic view modes do not take effect 3. Trying to record a streamin ...

Creating a blueprint from selected components crashes editor if components contain a blueprint with a component

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 4, 2015

Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Editor crashes if the option: "Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class" is selected from main editor viewport>Blueprints context menu. This occu ...

GearVR mount/unmount triggers erroneous touch end events

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 3, 2015

Extra touch end events are created for unsupported touch action types. These need to be ignored. ...

FullScreen Immersive on KitKat and above devices still shows device buttons

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 2, 2015

Enable fullscreen immersive on kitkat and above devices does not properly work on devices with onscreen buttons. ...

Get key node is no longer available within the On Analog value change override

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 2, 2015

The user can no longer use a get key node within the On analog value changed override. This was possible in 4.8 ...

UMG animation timeline runs the length of the visible timeline when previewing animation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 2, 2015

If the user creates an animation in UMG the animation preview will play the entire visible timeline when the user clicks play (not just the part of the time line that has animations). ...

Crashreporter.exe does not appear in packaged projects

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 30, 2015

Crash Reporter does not get packaged with development build projects when they have "Include Crash Reporter" set to true in packaging options. ...

Detour AI Controller Not Functioning Properly

UE - AI - Oct 30, 2015

Using AI Detour in 4.9.2 works as expected, however, when upgrading a project from 4.9.2 to a newer version, the AI pawns fail to properly navigate around each other when moving to their respective ...

Disabling the oculus rift plugin but no the Oculus input or Oculus Library will cause a crash

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 29, 2015

If the user disables the oculus rift plugin without disabling the oculus input and oculus library plugins the project will crash on opening. ...

Using ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder in a GameMode constructor may result in a default value or crash if the level is reloaded multiple times.

UE - Gameplay - Oct 27, 2015

Randomly selecting a character class from the GameMode constructor using ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder can result in default or null character being set when the level is reloaded. It appears tha ...