
There is a bug when performing an undo/redo on pasted or spawned actors in Sequencer. 

It appears that the transaction system is re-creating an actor on redo, but Sequencer doesn't see that, so it Spawns its own actor - doubling up the spawned actors in the World Outliner.

This happens when:

  1. Dragging a new actor in, undo, then redo.
  2. Duplicating a spawnable from within Sequencer, undo, then redo.
  3. Copy/paste a spawnable from within Sequencer, undo, then redo.


The same bug 5.2 but is repeatable in //UE5/Main as well.    I also checked UE5.0 and UE4.27, and the same issue appears in those a well - verifying it is not a regression.

Steps to Reproduce

To repro:

  1. Create a new Third Person Character template.
  2. Create a New Level Sequence for the level.
  3. From the Place Actors panel, drag and drop Actor into Sequencer.
  4. Undo the operation (Ctrl + Z)
  5. Redo the operation (Ctrl + Y)
  6. Notice that there are now two actors in the Outliner
  7. In order to get rid of the extra actor, I have delete it manually or reload the level.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-184926 in the post.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions5.25.3
CreatedMay 3, 2023
ResolvedMay 19, 2023
UpdatedMay 22, 2023
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