
After some testing this issue looks to only occur with queued notifies and not with branching point notifies.


Steps to Reproduce

To reproduce:

  • Create a top down project
  • Create a blueprint with parent class AnimNotify, override the ReceivedNotify function and print a string there
  • Create a Montage that plays the Anim Sequence MM_Jump, and position your new notify halfway through the animation
  • Edit the BP_TopDownCharacter to include this script:

[Image Removed]

  • Press Play, click the window to give keyboard focus, and press the 1 key on the keyboard. Note that it prints MONTAGE STARTED, NOTIFY, MONTAGE COMPLETED.
  • Change the Net Mode to Play as Client, and press Play. Note it still prints each message, once each for the server and client
  • In the Editor Preferences, In the Level Editor's Play Category, enable network emulation, set the Emulation Target to "Everyone" and the Network Emulation Profile to "Bad"
  • Press Play again and press 1. Note that sometimes, randomly, the server doesn't print NOTIFY (though sometimes it does)

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Anim - Gameplay
Affects Versions5.15.2
CreatedMay 3, 2023
UpdatedMay 3, 2023
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