
It seems to be related to the removal tag requirements of the GE_Test1_2 gameplay
effect, which does work but still gives the pending removes error.

Steps to Reproduce

Download the attached licensee repro project.

You can reproduce the issue in these steps:

  1. Build and start the editor from Visual Studio.
  2. Set net mode set to "Play As Client" and play in "ThirdPersonMap".
  3. Press "Q" to apply GE_Test1.
  4. Press "E" to remove GE_Test1 and it breaks at the line "if (!
    ensure(PendingRemoves == 0))" in GameplayEffect.cpp.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-186704 in the post.

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System
Affects Versions5.2
Target Fix5.3
CreatedMay 23, 2023
ResolvedMay 25, 2023
UpdatedAug 16, 2023
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