
Setting the start time within the Play node for an audio component does not function when deploying to Android.

The set up works fine when playing on the PC, and the sound functions on the Android device, but it just ignores the start time and plays from the beginning instead.

Note I attempted to test in Main branch but packaging/deploying to the device failed with an Unknown Error. Tested Launch On and Packaging project, but this worked fine when testing in binary 4.8.2.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a new blank empty blueprint project targeted for Mobile platforms and no starter content.
2. Download attached sound file and import into the project.
3. Create new actor blueprint and add an audio component.
4. (Use the image attached for reference) On 'EventBeginPlay' there is a 'Delay' node connected to a 'Play' node with it's target as an audio component.
5. Be sure to uncheck the 'Auto-Activation' within the Audio component's details in the blueprint.
6. Press play to hear the sound start at the time set within the 'Play' node.
7. Deploy to Android and notice how the sound does not play at the same start time.

Expected: The sound will start at the entered time within the Play node.

Outcome: Ignores the set start time and plays from beginning instead.

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ComponentUE - Audio
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.11
Fix Commit2837090
Main Commit2849957
CreatedJul 15, 2015
ResolvedJun 22, 2018
UpdatedSep 16, 2019