
A simple search for `NewStyleOutput = true` will reveal the many instances where this flag is already forced on, including media plates and media bundles.

This however means that we have incompatible media material samplers, for instance in Composure.



Steps to Reproduce

See UDN for an example failure due to the incompatibility of samplers:


  1. Create a media bundle, place and connect its blueprint in the scene.
  2. Create a new composure comp.
  3. Create a media plate layer in the composure comp.
  4. Connect media texture in Composure to the media bundle texture.
  5. Request playback on the media bundle blueprint.
  6. Select the media layer in the outline to see the preview window of the Composure layer.


Expected: Media texture should be the same as the media bundle in the scene.

Result: White in Composure due to the material using the old media texture path.

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Media Framework
Affects Versions5.2
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit26318797
Main Commit26318896
Release Commit26318797
CreatedJun 20, 2023
ResolvedJun 29, 2023
UpdatedJul 26, 2023
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