
How to Reproduce: 

1. Open Editor 5.3 (ReltestB) in Localized version (culture= )
2. Click on the "show" icon in the level viewport
3. Navigate to the following locations in the Show menu and observe the UIs 


EN Location
LocationVolume Viewport > Show  > Volume > LocationVolume
VisualLoggerFilterVolume Viewport > Show  > Volume > VisualLoggerFilterVolume
WorldPartitionMiniMapVolume Viewport > Show  > Volume > WorldPartitionMiniMapVolume

Please find the attached screenshot below. 

For more info, please reach out to [Link Removed] 




The unlocalized strings are missing from 



They are gathered into 


instead of 



More details on the strings: [Link Removed]


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ComponentUE - Editor - Workflow Systems
Affects Versions5.3
Target Fix5.5
CreatedJun 23, 2023
UpdatedMay 11, 2024
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