Sumo Digital Ltd. has reported that the synthetic benchmark has skewed GPUIndex scores when changing graphics scalability settings (i.e. r.LumenScreenProbeGather.DownsampleFactor). They are currentl ...
Packed level actors will create ISM instances with inverted normals when the selection of meshes used to create the packed level actor contains a subset of meshes with negative scales. This is the ...
When compiling a PSO, RHI Breadcrumbs can be fed a bad FRHIBreadcrumbNode, resulting in reading random memory and crashing during the recursive node iteration. This only happens when tracing. The i ...
With Virtual Assets setup in a project, when an asset is deleted and the changelist then submitted via revision control, the virtualization system will attempt to read the deleted asset. The submit ...
Additive animations that use a frame from their own sequence as a base pose are initially broken when retargeted. Users have to refresh the properties that select the base pose in order to fix the ...
FRHIMemoryPool will leak data when it is destroyed. "FRHIMemoryPool::Init()" will create "FRHIMemoryPool::DesiredAllocationPoolSize" new "FRHIPoolAllocationData" objects, stored in "FRHIMemoryPool: ...
This occurs when the pawn is initially replicated using the huge object path when first connecting to a server. Destroying and restarting the client's pawn works as expected. After connecting, the c ...
From licensee:Editor Grid priorities setting will get overruled in code giving the user false feeling of control – smaller grid cells can load before larger grid cells on the same layer even if the ...
When the engine is running in the background, the following ensure may be hit in NetworkPredictionService_Interpolate.inl: npEnsure(ToFrame == INDEX_NONE || LocalFrame - ToFrame < Frames.Buffer.Cap ...
There is a discrepancy when inspecting Substrate materials in the Lumen Performance Overview. Compared to viewing non-Substrate materials the overview show all surfaces in red indicating that Lumen ...