
When placing an instance of ALyraCharacterWithAbilities on the map on the boundary between world partition cells, it fails to take damage in PIE. The expected attribute sets (HealthSet and CombatSet) are not registered in PIE for actors placed on world partition boundaries. See repro steps.

Expected: ALyraCharacterWithAbilities placed on world partition boundaries do have a registered HealthSet and CombatSet, and can take damage.

Steps to Reproduce

I found a faster repro

  • Make a world partition level,
  • Make a blueprint character with the parent class being LyraCharacterWithAbilities and assign a mesh
  • Place the character anywhere on the map
  • Disable Is Spatially Loaded
  • Start PIE
  • Shoot the character, notice it doesn't take damage

User's repro steps: "I was able to replicate the bug in a clean 5.2.1 Lyra project."

  • Make a world partition level,
  • Make a blueprint character with the parent class being LyraCharacterWithAbilities and assign a mesh
  • Under World Settings: enable Preview Grids
  • Place the character where it's not on a world partition axis
  • Place another character where it is on a world partition axis
  • Under World Settings: set the Default Gameplay Experience to B_ShooterGame_Elimination
  • Start PIE (standalone, non-networked)
  • Shoot the character that's placed on the world partition boundary and notice it doesn't take damage
  • Shoot the character that's not placed on the world partition boundary and notice it takes damage

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System
Affects Versions5.15.2
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit26486826
Main Commit26486929
Release Commit26486854
CreatedJun 28, 2023
ResolvedJul 20, 2023
UpdatedJun 12, 2024
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