
Generated from CrashReporter

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Assertion failed: !bInstancedStereoEnabled || (bInstancedMultiViewportEnabled || bMobileMultiViewFallback) [File:./Runtime/RenderCore/Private/StereoRenderUtils.cpp] [Line: 127] If ISR is enabled, we need either multi-viewport (since we no longer support clip-distance method) or MMV fallback (which uses vertex layer).
UnrealEditor-RenderCore!1017dc000  + 249d40
UnrealEditor-Engine!TStaticGetTypeLayoutHelper<TArray<TStaticMeshVertexTangentDatum<FPackedNormal>, TMemoryImageAllocator<0u> > >::CallWriteMemoryImage(FMemoryImageWriter&, void const*, FTypeLayoutDesc const&, FTypeLayoutDesc const&) [Array.h:3422]
UnrealEditor-RenderCore!1017dc000  + 33f94
UnrealEditor-Engine!UE::Shader::EvaluatePreshader(FUniformExpressionSet const*, FMaterialRenderContext const&, UE::Shader::FPreshaderStack&, UE::Shader::FPreshaderDataContext&) [Preshader.cpp:870]
UnrealEditor!1001fc000  + 2df20
UnrealEditor!1001fc000  + 24730
UnrealEditor!1001fc000  + 3fcd0
UnrealEditor-Core!FIoDispatcher::DoesChunkExist(FIoChunkId const&) [IoDispatcher.cpp:893]
libc++.1!18f1ce000  + 113954c
libc++.1!18f1ce000  + e9fa8
libc++.1!18f1ce000  + e4da0

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ComponentUE - Platform - XR
Affects Versions5.2.1
CreatedJul 27, 2023
ResolvedJul 31, 2023
UpdatedOct 12, 2023
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