Incorrect behavior after attaching an actor to a non-root component of another actor in the Editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jul 3, 2024

UE allows actors to be attached to other actors. More precisely, it allows the root component of an actor (child) to be attached to any component of another actor (parent). From now on, "parent" and ...

Selected tool using ScriptableTool might get closed when selecting an exposed property.

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - May 21, 2024

When using a created tool of the ScriptableTool plugin, and setting an InstanceEditable variable, the tool might get close. For this to happen, we need to have a ToolPropertySet attached to the too ...

Call-In-Editor functions in an EditorUtilityActor are not called in editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 22, 2024

In 5.1 through 5.3, Call-In-Editor functions within EditorUtilityActor Blueprints created via Create Advanced Assets/Editor Utilities/Editor Utility Blueprint are not callable in editor. Prior to 5 ...

When an active Niagara Component is moved and reset+reactivated in the same frame, "Interpolated Spawning" causes "Spawn Burst Instantaneous" to spawn particles in the previous frame's outdated location

UE - Niagara - Mar 6, 2024

Consider a Niagara System with an Emitter in "Global Space" that has "Interpolated Spawning" active and a "Spawn Burst Instantaneous" module with a "Spawn Time" of 0.0 (for example, the built-in Con ...

Edit Layers naming is being added to the Localization Dashboard

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 1, 2024

When a Material Instance with Layer Parameters is added to the Level Landscape, the Layer Names get added to the Localization Dashboard. ...

Lumen with HWRT has an artifact on AMD GPU

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Feb 6, 2024

Repro test required.We don't have AMD GPU to create the same environment here, so we collected reproduction information from the licensee and passed it on as is.Let me know if you need any additiona ...

Two Sided Foliage doesn't receive VSM shadow with Opacity 0

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 25, 2024

Two-Sided foliage materials with an Opacity of 0 ignore any shadows cast with Virtual Shadowmaps, even in a completely sealed environment. This did not happen in UE 5.1.1 ...

Crash when calling FillDataTableFromCSVString() while viewing the contents of the data table

When the function UDataTableFunctionLibrary::FillDataTableFromCSVString() is used from Editor Utility Blueprints or Python Scripts, and the contents of the affected Data Table are currently being vi ...

Double clicking on Interface Function in Blueprint Graph does not take you to the function implementation.

UE - Editor - Jan 11, 2024

When double-clicking on an interface function call within a blueprint, the expected behaviour is that it will take you to the implementation of this function. However, it currently does nothing. ...

Specular/Anisotropy problems with Nanite Meshes

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jan 11, 2024

Specular highlights can disappear with clearcoat materials, when "Clear Coat Enable Second Normal" is enabled ("r.ClearCoatNormal"). ...