
The GameViewportSubsystem removes all widgets from the viewport in UGameViewportSubsystem::HandleRemoveWorld which is bound to the FWorldDelegates::OnWorldBeginTearDown and FWorldDelegates::OnPreWorldFinishDestroy delegates. It's often desirable to display a loading screen when traveling to a new map, but this isn't possible at the moment since any widgets are removed when transitioning from the original map to the transition map.

Steps to Reproduce
  • Enable seamless travel in the game mode
  • In the player controller, add a function to construct a UMG widget outered to the player controller and add it the veiwport
  • Play in a stand alone instance
  • use the cmd ServerTravel <NewMap> to travel to a different map
  • Note that the widget is removed from the viewport


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ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG
Affects Versions5.2
Target Fix5.4
Fix Commit27216400
Main Commit27216432
CreatedAug 3, 2023
ResolvedAug 28, 2023
UpdatedOct 11, 2023
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