
BT cooldown decorators are failing on starting a game either via PIE or Standalone regardless of the fact their branches have not yet run. This is true for if the cooldown decorator checks its value during the initial tick or if the value of the cooldown time is greater than how long the time the world has been active.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a Behavior Tree asset
  2. Add a Selector node from the Root
  3. Add a Wait task node
  4. Add a Cooldown decorator to the Wait task node
  5. Add a second Wait task node to be the second branch of the selector node
  6. Set a custom AI controller to use the new BT
  7. Add an AI agent pawn to the level
  8. Set the AI pawn to use the configured AI controller
  9. PIE with the BT visible in another window

Expected Result: The BT enters through the cooldown decorator and runs that Wait task.

Actual Result: The cooldown decorator returns false which causes the second Wait task to be run.

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ComponentUE - AI - BehaviorTree
Affects Versions5.2.1
Target Fix5.4
Fix Commit27274304
Main Commit27274304
CreatedAug 18, 2023
ResolvedAug 22, 2023
UpdatedSep 13, 2023