
WaterBodyCustom seems not to work with Distance Culling settings on its own actor, either Draw Distance/Never Distance Cull or Allow Cull Distance Volume. 

It only can be controlled by the CullingDistanceVolume actor, which makes it not easy to control the WaterBodyCustom culling behavior as the CullingDistanceVolume is often added to the world to be expected to control other objects, and WaterBodyCustom can not override the settings.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a new level

2. Add a Culling Distance Volume and set its Cull Distance index[1] setting as

Size: 10000, Cull Distance:15000

3. Add a WaterBodyCustom,

4. Chang WaterBodyCustom's Allow Cull Distance Volume to disable, it's still affected by the Culling Distance Volume unexpectedly.

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ComponentUE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Water
Affects Versions5.25.3
Target Fix5.5
CreatedSep 14, 2023
UpdatedFeb 16, 2024
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