Steps to Reproduce

1) Open sample project. Load Game/Main if not already in it

2) Right click Game/EUW_LevelPreviewer > Run Editor Utility Widget

3) In the EUW_LevelPreviewer widget, notice it is set to Streaming_1 (4 orange cubes should be visible in Main).

4) Select Streaming_2 from the EUW_LevelPreviewer dropdown. The 4 orange cubes should disappear and you should see 4 green spheres.

5) Open Game/SampleDataprep. Select a file to import and import it. For instance,  EngineTest\Content\Python\Pipeline\Datasmith\assets\arrow.udatasmith

6) After the import finishes, look back at the main editor window. You should see both Streaming_1 (4 orange cubes) + Streaming_2 (4 green spheres) present at the same time.

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CreatedSep 22, 2023
UpdatedFeb 27, 2024
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