
As reported by the customer in the related UDN case, when right-clicking a tree item on the Geometry Collection Outliner inside the Fracture Tool, the popup menu should display 4 options for setting "Initial Dynamic State", but only 3 appear, as the "Static" option is missing.

The customer has already identified the cause of the problem, which is simply a missing comma on file "\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\ChaosEditor\Source\FractureEditor\Private\SGeometryCollectionOutliner.cpp", function "FGeometryCollectionTreeItem::GenerateContextMenu()", after the first item of array "MenuEntryNames".

Steps to Reproduce
  • Open Unreal Editor
  • Place a static mesh on the level
  • Activate Fracture Mode
  • Generate a new uniform fracture for the mesh
  • Right-click on any tree item on the Outliner
  • Move over option "Initial Dynamic State". The sub-option "Static" should be there, but it is missing.

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools
Affects Versions5.25.3
Target Fix5.4
Fix Commit28510792
Main Commit28510899
CreatedOct 4, 2023
ResolvedOct 5, 2023
UpdatedOct 9, 2023
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