
StateTree no longer binds to the properties of an output variable from a task or an evaluator. Selecting one of the child properties of the output variable results in an error string being displayed in the StateTree editor saying "Property is bound to Evaluator GetCharacter property Character.BaseEyeHeight, but binding source type '' does not match property type 'Float'."

While this does not work for outputs of a task or an evaluator, you can successfully bind to sub-properties of the schema's Context variables.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new StateTree using the StateTree Component schema
  2. Create a StateTree task or evaluator that has a Character variable with the category Output
  3. Add the task or evaluator to the StateTree
  4. Create a new state and add the Delay Task to the state
  5. Bind the Duration of the Delay Task to a float property of the Character output

Expected Result: The Duration is bound to the float property of the Character.

Actual Result: The binding fails with an error message that the source and target property type is not the same.

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ComponentUE - AI - StateTree
Affects Versions5.3.1
Target Fix5.5
Fix Commit29039703
Main Commit29039713
CreatedOct 13, 2023
ResolvedOct 24, 2023
UpdatedApr 15, 2024
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