Masked TwoSided material causing lumen direct lighting to leak through walls

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Apr 23, 2024

It appears that LumenScene's Hardware Ray Tracing is causing light leaking into a sealed room (which should be perfectly black). This bug does not appear to happen on AMD GPUs. ...

City Sample vehicle does not always produce an EndOverlap Event

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 23, 2024

Reported on UDN: Something in the setup of the City Sample vehicles means that if a vehicle starts inside a  Box Collider Component then it won't generate an EndOverlap when exiting. Vehicles in ge ...

Creating MaterialInstanceDynamic for a moving/crumbled geometry collection component, the rendering position is reset to the initial location

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 23, 2024

Creating a MID makes the render state dirty and the engine will recreate a new scene proxy without the current attitude. This results in rendering the object in incorrect location. Here is a tempor ...

PhysicsControl-enabled controls occasionally teleport to origin

UE - Anim - Apr 22, 2024

Occasionally, PhysicsControl controls will teleport to the world origin. This is sporadic and generally fixes itself either with a restart. In the licensee's case, the controls were also animation d ...

Using "Change Class" on Spawnables, Possessable references retain old Class info

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 22, 2024

Changing Class for Spawnable objects in Level Sequence did not have any impact on Possesable objects in Subsequence. It's still referencing the previous Class. Also found in Release-5.4, CL: 329753 ...

Unable to Create New Niagara User Parameter After Deletion without Niagara Editor Window Restart

UE - Niagara - Scripting - Apr 22, 2024

When a user deletes a Niagara User Parameter within the Niagara System editor window, attempting to create a new parameter with the same name immediately after deletion results in an error. Despite ...

Blueprint Add Custom Event unable to resolve delegate signature inside a split struct

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 19, 2024

This issue occurs when a static function is created and has a struct parameter that has a delegate exposed to blueprint. When using the helper function in blueprint after having used "Split Struct ...

VisibleAnywhere MovieSceneObjectBindingID property is editable

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 19, 2024

In general, UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere) makes a property ineditable. But, if the type of a property is FMovieSceneObjectBindingID, VIsibleAnyhere no longer prohibits it from editing. [Image Removed] ...

Changes to Instanced Properties on a BP archetype are not propagated to Actors inside Level Instances or unloaded levels.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 19, 2024

Consider a C++ ActorComponent containing an instanced TObjectPtr property (which may be standalone or inside a container such as TMap). Now consider a Blueprint Actor containing such a component, an ...