
Panning/Zooming in Normalized view is constantly shuffling your view around..

See Attached Video:

[Link Removed]

Steps to Reproduce
  • FN/Main
  • Sandbox/Anim/ControlRigExample
  • Add the Mannequin rig to your viewport
  • Set some keyframes on one of the controls
  • Go to your Curve Editor
  • Change your view to Normalized from Absolute..
  • Zoom/Pan around your view using    ALT RMB to pan...     ALT+SHIFT+RMB to zoom in/out


Notice it glitches around and re-frames curves constantly.. 


Expected Result:  All the curves should have normalized within the in/out points of the shot and NOT constantly adjust during pan/zoom..


Actual Result:  All the curves try to normalize on the fly which can be pretty distracting to the user..{}


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CreatedNov 6, 2023
UpdatedMay 14, 2024
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