
Material Base Pass Instruction Count will change from a value established when plugging in components pre-compile to a higher value on post compile, but when the material is reopened the count reverts back to pre-compiled level instruction count. The Shader Complexity View mode also seems to be using higher values.

Also reproduced in Launcher 4.9 Preview 4 and Main-CL-2666305

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open QAGame Editor
  2. Create a New Material
  3. Set the Blend Mode to Translucent
  4. Set the Shading Model to Unlit
  5. Under Window Menu, Check Stat to see the Material Stats
  6. Add a Texture Sample of Texture2D'/Engine/EngineResources/AICON-Green.AICON-Green'
  7. Plug the RGBA output pin of the Texture Sample into the Emissive Color Input
  8. Plug the Alpha output pin of the Texture Sample into the Opacity Input
  9. Note Base Pass Shader without Light Map: 6 instructions
  10. Compile Material
  11. Note Base Pass Shader without Light Map: 25 instructions
  12. Save and Close Material
  13. Reopen Material

RESULTS: The Base Pass Shader without Light Map instructions have returned to 6 instructions, doing anything to initiate another compile will reset the instruction count to 25.

EXPECTED: The Instruction Count should not change unless additional information is added within the Material or an Attribute of the Material is changed.

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.15
Fix Commit3221223
Main Commit3231696
CreatedAug 24, 2015
ResolvedDec 5, 2016
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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