2 issues with SGameplayTagQueryEntryBox that a UDN customer noticed:
In SGameplayTagQueryEntryBox::OnEditButtonClicked, line 207 if the PropertyHandle for the FGameplayTagQuery is valid, the following call is made:
Args.Filter = UGameplayTagsManager::StaticGetCategoriesMetaFromPropertyHandle(PropertyHandle);
Which ignores UGameplayTagsManager::OnGetCategoriesMetaFromPropertyHandle, while in SGameplayTagQueryEntryBox::Construct line 57 the filter is correctly retrieved.
2. Also, it seems SGameplayTagQueryWidget::Construct is missing assignment of Filter:
SGameplayTagQueryEntryBox is actually missing Filter = InArgs._Filter; in SGameplayTagQueryEntryBox::Construct, but also a condition around Args.Filter = UGameplayTagsManager::StaticGetCategoriesMetaFromPropertyHandle(PropertyHandle); in SGameplayTagQueryEntryBox::OnEditButtonClicked() (line 207).
Bind a custom delegate to UGameplayTagsManager::OnGetCategoriesMetaFromPropertyHandle
Notice that SGameplayTagQueryEntryBox::OnEditButtonClicked ignores UGameplayTagsManager::OnGetCategoriesMetaFromPropertyHandle
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-203486 in the post.