When creating Foliage or Procedurally Generated Content the culling settings of the Static Meshes do not apply correctly. As soon as either a minimum or maximum cull distance is set the Static Meshe ...
When Global Illumination is set to “None” in the project settings the ambient occlusion does not correctly render shadows for moving objects. This has been observed in versions 5.4 and above. ...
Licensee reported problem via UDN. Context GameplayCues ('cue') are events that can be fired by game code, that are identified via a GameplayTag. Cues can be instantaneous or can be a state on any ...
Vehicle Template vehicle with added Thruster Configuration to its VehicleMovementComponent will be affected by force relative to the distance from the origin. At around 200000 the force is enough to ...
This issue occurs when clicking on the Rebind Possesable References action in a Level Sequence editor. The component reference appears missing and won't work anymore. It is worth noting that when ...
When working on a level asset and using command "File – Save Current Level As..." to save it over a different level asset, the engine first deletes the target level (that's going to be overwritten) ...
Context One File Per Actor (OFPA) reduces overlap between users by saving data for instances of Actors in external files, removing the need to save the main Level file when making changes to its Act ...
When you select multiple notifies and attempt to replace them with another notify using "Replace with Notify", it will sometimes replace other random notifies and not the ones you have selected. ...
Potential bug was encountered when exporting vray cameras and their targets that have been path-constraint to corresponding splines. The resulting export file shows no camera targets; hence, missing ...