
FSequencer::UpdatePlaybackRange does not check the exclusivity of the new bounds when setting them, but UMovieScene::UpgradeTimeRanges does.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create an actor sequence
  2. Check the option "Keep Playback Range in Section Bounds" in the playback menu on the sequencer toolbar
  3. Add a transform track
  4. Change the length of the transform track section to be bounded (not infinite)
  5. Observe via code breakpoint in `FSequencer::UpdatePlaybackRange` that the playback length of the sequence is inclusive of a round frame number
  6. Save and close the asset
  7. Reload the asset
  8. Observe via code breakpoint in `UMovieScene::UpgradeTimeRanges` that the playback length of the sequence is now exclusive and has added one tick

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Target Fix5.5
Fix Commit31663352
Main Commit31666869
CreatedFeb 16, 2024
ResolvedFeb 21, 2024
UpdatedApr 10, 2024
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