
The buffer start time is calculated by subtracting the TimeBufferHintSeconds from the stream length:
const uint32 BufferStartTimeMS = UE::LWC::FloatToIntCastChecked<uint32>(FoundReplay->StreamInfo.LengthInMS - (TimeBufferHintSeconds * 1000.0));
However, if the TimeBufferHintSeconds is larger than the stream length, the negative result being cast to a uint32 will result in a very large number for the BufferStartTimeMS, causing all but the most recent checkpoint to be removed.

Steps to Reproduce

Set up an in-memory replay with checkpoints, and set TimeBufferHintSeconds to something multiple times larger than the delay between checkpoints.
When getting the checkpoint archive for a stream that is shorter than TimeBufferHintSeconds, all but the last checkpoint will be removed. 

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ComponentUE - Networking
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
CreatedMar 18, 2024
UpdatedMar 19, 2024
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