
It appears that Texture Samplers for Virtual Textures do not respect the Tiling Method from the Virtual Texture Asset when the "Sampler Source" is set to "from texture asset".

Steps to Reproduce

1. Download the attached test project and open
2. Observe the two materials "/Game/Materials/M_BasicSampler_T" and "/Game/Materials/M_BasicSampler_VT". In the "Texture" parameter for both, the "Sampler Source" is set to "from texture asset"
3. Observe the textures in the "/Game/Textures/" folder. There is a texture for the permutation of [Regular, Virtual] and [Wrap, Clamp] that correspond to the matrix in the level.
4. Observe that the Virtual Texture with the texture set to Clamp does not Clamp in the material - it Wraps.

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ComponentUE - Rendering Architecture
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
CreatedMar 28, 2024
UpdatedApr 2, 2024
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