
HDRIBackdrop objects cannot be rotated in Sequencer.

This issue can be resolved by setting the "Run Construction Script in Sequencer" checkbox to True in the "HDRIBackdrop" blueprint.

If HDRI Backdrop rotated in Editor outside of Sequencer, rotation works as expected.

This behavior was also observed in Release-5.4, CL 32690246.


Steps to Reproduce

1. Download the attached test project and open
2. Open Level Sequence /Game/HDRI_Sequence.uasset
3. Play the Level Sequence. The HDRI Backdrop should rotate by 90 degrees, but instead, it flashes for 1 frame.
4. Select HDRI Backdrop asset and try to rotate. It does not rotating as expected and there are no changes to reflections

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By Design
ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions5.45.3.2
CreatedApr 5, 2024
ResolvedApr 9, 2024
UpdatedApr 10, 2024
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