
If we enter Chinese characters using Microsoft Pinyin after entering 34 or more half-width characters in a text field, they are not reflected in the box. If less than 34 characters are entered, Chinese characters are correctly accepted. 
This looks like a duplicate of [Link Removed]


STDAPI FTextStoreACP::GetText(LONG acpStart, LONG acpEnd, __RPC__out_ecount_part(cchPlainReq, *pcchPlainOut) WCHAR *pchPlain, ULONG cchPlainReq, __RPC__out ULONG *pcchPlainOut, __RPC__out_ecount_part(ulRunInfoReq, *pulRunInfoOut) TS_RUNINFO *prgRunInfo, ULONG ulRunInfoReq, __RPC__out ULONG *pulRunInfoOut, __RPC__out LONG *pacpNext)
	// ...

	if(prgRunInfo && ulRunInfoReq > 0)
		// We only edit text that's been stripped of any markup, so we have no need to provide multiple runs.
//		prgRunInfo[0].uCount = FMath::Min(static_cast<uint32>(ulRunInfoReq), Length);
		prgRunInfo[0].uCount = FMath::Min(static_cast<uint32>(cchPlainReq), Length);	// add
		prgRunInfo[0].type = TS_RT_PLAIN;

//	*pacpNext = BeginIndex + Length;
	*pacpNext = BeginIndex + FMath::Min(static_cast<uint32>(cchPlainReq), Length);	// add

	return S_OK;


Steps to Reproduce

1. Open QAGame
2. In any text field in the editor (such as content browser search bar), enter at least 34 half-width characters
4. Switch keyboard to Simplified Chinese (using Microsoft Pinyin)
5. Continue typing in the same text field in Chinese


The entered text is not reflected in the text field


Text is reflected in the text field

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-213827 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate
Affects Versions5.4
CreatedMay 2, 2024
UpdatedMar 2, 2025
Pull Requests
12947 - SjMxr233
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