
By creating a DebugComponent, the texts added to this component are not displayed in the viewport of the Blueprint editor.

This is because the UCanvas reference that is being passed is that of the Editor viewport.

This is because the UDebugDrawService is using the same Object in FEditorViewportClient and in FSCSEditorViewportClient because it is not overwriting the function used by UDebugDrawService::Draw.

Then the UCanvas reference is that of the editor instead of the BlueprintEditor.


Steps to Reproduce
  • Create a UDebugComponent
  • Add a FText3d
  • Create a Actor with the debug component and place into a level
  • Once is placed, open the actor Blueprint and the text will be duplicated
  • Move the component inside the blueprint editor to see how the text is displayed on editor viewport instead of asset viewport

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ComponentUE - AI - Debugging
Affects Versions5.3.2
Target Fix5.6
CreatedJun 17, 2024
UpdatedSep 4, 2024
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