
workaround: open WBP_A and remove its namedslot content to avoid having two contents in the same namedslot.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open QAGame
  2. Create a new widget blueprint named WBP_A. In the widget tree, add a canvas panel and a namedslot. 
  3. Create another widget blueprint named WBP_B. In the widget tree, add a canvas panel and an instance of WBP_A.
  4. From WBP_B, add a dynamic entry box to the namedslot of WBP_A. Compile and save.
  5. Then go back to WBP_A and add a dynamic entry box to its namedslot. Compile and save.
  6. Restart the editor and open WBP_B
  7. Observe: crash
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Fix Commit35143343
CreatedJun 17, 2024
ResolvedJul 29, 2024
UpdatedAug 6, 2024
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