
If a user sets the light color with a node (Set Light Color) in blueprints, it will use the exact Hex code that is given. However, if the user uses the world outliner to set the light color of a light it will forcibly change the last two character of the Hex code to zeros.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open Editor
  2. Add a point light to the scene
  3. In the Details panel that is found in the world outliner set the color of the light using the hex code 7F7FFFFF
  4. Click OK
  5. Open the color picker back up
  6. Notice that the last to characters are now zeros

Expected: The Hex code would be used exactly as is
Result: The last two characters of the Hex code are changed to zeros

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Affects Versions4.9.2
Target Fix4.11
Fix Commit2781330
Main Commit2800829
CreatedOct 7, 2015
ResolvedNov 25, 2015
UpdatedFeb 5, 2017