
When the Lit > Actor Coloration > Affects Navmesh or other Actor Coloration mode is used, Nanite meshes apply lighting differently than non-Nanite meshes which can make it difficult to use the Actor Coloration if you rely on the color being the same to determine if, for example, a mesh affects the nav mesh or not.

For example, this screenshot shows the L_Expanse level in Lyra and all the Nanite meshes in the top half do affect the navmesh, but the lighting causes them to appear almost like the fog and not like the non-Nanite meshes in the bottom half.
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This is what the difference looks like in a simple level with 3 meshes.  The first mesh is non-Nanite and affects the navmesh, the second mesh is also non-Nanite but does not affect the navmesh and the third sphere mesh is Nanite and does affect the navmesh.

[Image Removed]

And the relevant RenderDoc passes
[Image Removed]


Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a basic level and add a non-nanite mesh and a nanite mesh
  2. Change the viewport visualization mode to Lit > Actor Coloration > Affects Navmesh


Both of the meshes have the same color and lighting


The non-nanite mesh is dark because it uses the engine's LevelColorationLitMaterial and draws to the GBuffer but the Nanite mesh is much brighter and lit because it is drawn without lighting and then additional post-processing appears to be happening after the Nanite debug visualization draw function, RenderDebugViewMode, in NaniteVisualize.cpp, draws the mesh with the primitive color.
The same shading differences exist in of other Actor Coloration modes.

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features - Nanite
Affects Versions5.
Target Fix5.5
Fix Commit35981664
CreatedAug 28, 2024
ResolvedSep 3, 2024
UpdatedSep 10, 2024
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