
When bFailedNavLinkNavLink is enabled in RecastNavmesh, some NavLink points are debugged and others are not depending on the position of the NavLink point.

In the sample project, enable bFailedNavLinks after opening in the editor.

If Direction is set to Both Ways, but only PointLinks Left is grounded, the Failure link is also displayed. If only PointLinks Left is grounded, no failure link is shown. In some cases, if PointLinks Left is not grounded, it will be grayed out. 

Steps to Reproduce

1. Place NavMeshBoundsVolume on the level
2. NavLink is placed on the level
3. Set NavLink's PointLinks Left to (0,-400, 500) and PointLinks Right to (0,400,0) to ground only the right point
4. Enable bDrawNavLinks and bDrawFailedNavLinks in RecastNavMesh

5. Build navigation and input P key for showing navmesh


NavLink does not display debug links


NavLink displays debug links (green or gray)

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ComponentUE - AI - Navigation
Affects Versions5.45.5
Target Fix5.6
CreatedOct 10, 2024
UpdatedOct 10, 2024
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