
When landscape splines exist in a WP level, LandscapeSplineMeshesActor instances are created to allow streaming of splines. In a non-WP level, splines are components of the landscape actor. When a WP level has World Partition disabled, the LandscapeSplineMeshesActor instances remain, are not deleted, and other spline actors do not appear in the packaged version of the game.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a new level with world partition enabled.
2. Create a new landscape in that world, and add landscape splines to the landscape.
3. Run the 'Build Landscape Spline Meshes' command in the 'Build' menu for the level.
4. Observe that `LandscapeSplineMeshesActor` instances are created for the spline mesh.
5. Disable world partition for the level.
6. Observe that the `LandscapeSplineMeshesActor` instances remain.
7. Package the game.
8. Observe that only the `LandscapeSplineMeshesActor` instances appear in the packaged game, while the other landscape spline actors do not. Modifications made to other spline actors do not appear, only modification to the `LandscapeSplineMeshesActor` instance appear in the packaged game.

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CreatedOct 30, 2024
UpdatedNov 4, 2024
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