When a property of a ChildActorComponent is modified in a child class, the parent ChildActorComponent class can also get modified.
This happens when the Parent blueprint actor has a ChildActorComponent and we create a Blueprint child actor. Just by following these steps, the ChildActorComponent of the child blueprint actor will point to the parent, and any modification to the properties will also change the parent.
It is a regression; this issue was not happening in version 5.0.3.
Without Repro Project:
1- Create a Blueprint Actor
2- Add an Actor Child Component
3- Inside Child Actor class, change the class to TargetPoint (can be any actor).
3- Create a new child blueprint that inherits from the Blueprint parent actor.
4- Open the child actor class and modify any property of the ArrowComponent of the TargetPoint. You should see that the property of the ParentActor will also change and will be marked as dirty.
With Repro Project:
1- Open the unreal project
2- Open the BP_ChildActor and the BP_ParentActor
3- Inside BP_ChildActor, change a value of the ArrowComponent of the ChildActorComponent.
4- See that this value will also change in the BP_ParentActor
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-233804 in the post.