
Two different users have pointed out that the spring controls seem inverted and/or counter intuitive:

The first post:

The user points out that the spring controls seem inverted in that, for instance, if the character's head was set to spring and the body moved forward, instead of lagging behind and then spring forward, the head moves forward before the body. *See illustrations on linked post.

The user has written and posted the code he uses to compensate for this.

The second post:

...points out that in the filter channels of the spring controller, the Translation X, Y and Z are in world space, not local or mesh space which makes them unpractical (Also the Rotation x, y and z seem to be not working.)

Steps to Reproduce

1. In UE4.10 Open a new Third Person Animation Blueprint Project
2. In the AnimBlueprint, Open the AnimGraph
3. Add a spring controller between the default State Machine and Final Animation Pose
4. With Spring Controller selected, check the "Translate Z" box only
5. Observe idle animation:

RESULT: Head moves forward before body
EXPECTED: Head to stay in place while body moves forward and then spring forward accordingly

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Won't Fix
ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.10
CreatedNov 16, 2015
ResolvedNov 17, 2015
UpdatedJul 14, 2021