When working in the "Landscape" editor mode, in both the "New" and "Import" tools, it is possible to import a single heightmap, as well as a weightmap for each layer. Each of these maps can come from a single file or from multiple files interpreted as a tiled image (their filenames must follow a supported pattern like having a "_x<x>_y<y>" suffix).
For the import to work, all maps must have the same total resolution. In the tiled image case, this is the product of the number of tiles by the resolution of each tile. For example, a (4x4) tile grid made of (1024x1024) tiles has a total resolution of (4096x4096).
Up to UE 5.4, importing tiled images for heightmaps and weightmaps worked well. However, in UE 5.5, the message "Weightmap import resolution isn't same as Heightmap resolution" appears and the "Import" button is disabled as soon as a weightmap is selected, even if it does have the correct total resolution.
This behavior was introduced as a probably unintentional side-effect of the following changelists/commits:
ue5-main: [CL 36504115] (SHA-1 801f16807abf575d9842b6bb453824a134f7207a)
5.5: [CL 36750405] (SHA-1 f2085c007f9ae88bea9f59bf1ff9164ed07cd2f6)
Probable explanation: In file [Engine/Source/Editor/LandscapeEditor/Private/LandscapeTiledImage.cpp:119], the result of a weightmap image load attempt is filled with the resolution of a single image as a "possible resolution". In line 151, the total resolution of the tiled image is added to the result as another "possible resolution". Later, in file [Engine/Source/Editor/LandscapeEditor/Private/LandscapeEditorObject.cpp:728], only the first "possible resolution" of the result is checked for compatibility with the heightmap.
Before the changes mentioned above, on the first time that a "possible resolution" was found, a temporary variable was used instead of the result variable. By the end of the function on a successful load, the returned "possible resolutions" array contained just one item: the total resolution of the tiled image, which resulted in no error message.
Note that the "steps to reproduce" include a workaround, but it only works because of another bug: the fact that, currently, ULandscapeEditorObject::RefreshLayerImport() is not called on the layer weightmaps when the heightmap checkbox is ticked (only when a weightmap checkbox is ticked).
1. Create a new map (basic or open world)
2. Enter the "Landscape" editor mode, "Manage" tab
3. Select the "New" tool, "Import from File" tab
4. On "Heightmap file", browse for a tiled image
5. On "Material", select any landscape material, such as "Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/TutorialAssets/Landcape_Material"
6. On "Layers", on any material row:
6.1. Click the "plus" icon to create a LayerInfo asset
6.2. For the weightmap file, browse for a tiled image with the same resolution as the heightmap
6.3. Bug: Message "Weightmap import resolution isn't same as Heightmap resolution" appears, and the Import button is disabled
7. Clear the weightmap file textbox and click "Import"
8. Go to the "Landscape" editor mode, "Manage" tab, "Import" tool
9. On "Heightmap file", ensure that the checkbox is ticked and that a tiled image is selected
10. On "Layers", on any material row:
11.1. Tick the checkbox to enable importing that layer
12.2. For the weightmap file, browse for a tiled image with the same resolution as the heightmap
13.3. Bug: Message "Weightmap import resolution isn't same as Heightmap resolution" appears, and the Import button is disabled
14. Uncheck the layer weightmap
15. Uncheck the heightmap
16. Check the layer weightmap
17. Check the heightmap
18. Workaround: now the Import button is enabled
19. Note: The workaround depends on another bug, the resolution check is not performed when (un)checking the heightmap, only when (un)checking the layer weightmap
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-241268 in the post.
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Component | UE - Graphics Tools - Terrain |
Target Fix | 5.6 |
Fix Commit | 39712238 |
Created | Jan 30, 2025 |
Resolved | Feb 4, 2025 |
Updated | Feb 5, 2025 |