User found that our editor mode functions don't do static casts, and thus you can cast to classes that don't share a common base class with the pointer class we're casting from, resulting in some nasty bogus pointer bugs.
How does TextureRenderTarget2D get TArray<uint8> type data?
Why does the REMOVE method of map container remove elements have memory leaks?
UMG RichText not appear image when packaged
How to delete some elements correctly when deleting an array loop?
What does the number in the custom node error Material.ush(2153,1-34) mean?
How to convert the datasmith scene file to BluePrint. Create animations in BluePrint.
Why does the volume fog disappear from a distant view?
Why does the system plugin 'UnrealBuildTool' error could not be found when the project is compiled?
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-24498 in the post.