We don't support mixed navmesh generation types.
Setting the Runtime Generation on the Recast Nav Mesh to a different preset than what is set in the Project Settings causes an error to appear upon trying to package the project, and causes the packaging to fail.
Error Message:
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.01.25-14.32.22:391][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogObj:Error: LoadConfig (/Script/Engine.Default__RecastNavMesh): import failed for RuntimeGeneration in: MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.01.25-14.32.22:391][ 0]LogInit:Display:
Found in 4.10.2. Reproduced in 4.11 Preview 3 and Main CL 2836025
1. Open the editor
2. Go to Edit->Project Settings->Navigation Mesh and set the Runtime Generation to Dynamic Modifiers Only
3. Place a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume in the level
4. Select the RecastNavMesh in the World Outliner
5. Set the Recast NavMesh Runtime Generation to Static
6. Package the project: File->Package Project->Windows->Win64
Result: Packaging fails with the error message shown in the description
Expected: The Runtime Generation set in the Recast Nav Mesh
changed in the Recast Nav Mesh to reflect the new changes.
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