
When attempting to download/sync to the UE4.11 version of "Unreal Match 3" sample from the Learn Tab on the launcher, the download button is "grayed out" and instead says "Syncing."

Selecting the UE4.10 version with the down arrow results in the button becoming active, giving the user the option to download this version.

*See image

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Attempt to download UE4.11 version of sample: "Unreal Match 3" from Learn Tab in the Editor
    RESULT: "Grayed out" button that says "Syncing" does not allow user to download the UE4.11 Version
    EXPECTED: A "live" (not grayed out) "Download" button that allows the user to download the UE4.11 version of the "Unreal Match 3" sample.


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ComponentDocs - Samples
Affects Versions4.11
Target Fix4.11
CreatedApr 5, 2016
ResolvedApr 6, 2016
UpdatedMay 2, 2018
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