
Values are not copied for a EnumArray that is part of an exposed Struct Variable; when copying from the Details panel to a copy of the same actor.

User Description:

If you make an array of custom enum and assign them to a placed actor any attempt to copy the entire array will fail.

Just try copying values from either one to each other. The enum will not copy correctly.

1) Copying entire structure results in enum not copied correctly.

2) Copying Array of Enum within the structure and manually pasting it will not work as well.

I'm copying the property of one actor to another.

Both the actor in the test project have a structure. and array enums in that structure.

Scenario 1:

Copy Structure from Actor 1 --> Paste to Actor 2's structure.


Copy Enum ( in the structure ) from Actor 1 --> Paste to Enum ( in the structure ) of Actor 2

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open the attached project
2. Select actor 'NewBlueprint' from the World Outliner
3. In the Details panel > Default > Right-click the exposed 'StructVar' > Choose 'Copy'
4. Select 'NewBlueprint2' from the World Outliner
5. In the Details panel > Default > Right-click the exposed 'StructVar' > Choose 'Paste'

Results: All variables inside of the Struct will be copied except the EnumArray, it will reset to it's default value

Expected: for the EnumArray to copy all elements and values

From scratch:

1. Create a new Enum & open it
2. Add 2-3 values & save
3. Create a Struct & open it
4. Add 3 variables (Bool, Enum 'array' of the Enum that was just created, and a Int) & save
5. Create a BP actor & open it
6. Create a Variable of the Struct that was just created
7. Click the Eye icon to expose the variable
8. Save & compile
9. Add 2 copies of the BP to the scene
10. In the Details panel, change all of the values of the StrucVar to something not default
11. In the Details panel > Default > Right-click the exposed 'StructVar' > Choose 'Copy'
12. Select 'NewBlueprint2' from the World Outliner
13. In the Details panel > Default > Right-click the exposed 'StructVar' > Choose 'Paste'

Results: All variables inside of the Struct will be copied except the EnumArray, it will reset to it's default value

Expected: for the EnumArray to copy all elements and values

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.14
Fix Commit3096619
Main Commit3341914
CreatedJun 21, 2016
ResolvedFeb 10, 2017
UpdatedMar 10, 2017
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