Steps to Reproduce

-1. Launch the editor or Unreal Frontend.
0. Connect several Android devices to your PC by USB and make sure debugging is enabled.
1. Create a new profile in Project Launcher
2. Choose a project and configuration (Development is fine)
3. Cook by the book
4. For the cooked platforms, either choose
Android_Multi after configuring several formats to support all your devices in the Android in project settings. Recommend the minimum set of formats.
Or a single format such as Android_ETC2 which is supported all new devices
Multiple checkboxes do not work. This is a separate unrelated bug and are not necessary given we have Android_Multi
5. Choose a map or maps to cook
6. Do not package
7. Deploy with "copy to device"
8. Select the checkboxes for all of your devices
9. Launch with your standard role
10. Additional command line params "-messaging -SendAutomationAnalytics"
You can then launch this profile.

Switching to the Session Frontend tab the launched sessions should all appear.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-35261 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Platform - Mobile
Affects Versions4.13
Target Fix4.13.1
Fix Commit3111407
Release Commit3111407
CreatedAug 29, 2016
ResolvedSep 2, 2016
UpdatedSep 16, 2019