
If you have more than one variable curve in an animation and they are different types (either morph or material) the editor will crash if you attempt to change all of them to one or the other at the same time.

The crash wont occur if the variable curves are specified as both types. There must be at least one that is exclusive to morph and one exclusive to material.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open attached project
  2. Open morphbox_anim
  3. Click on the drop down arrow that allows you to edit all variable curve types simultaneously
  4. Select either Material or Morph Curve


All curves change to the specified type.


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ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.14
Fix Commit3156926
Main Commit3182044
CreatedOct 11, 2016
ResolvedOct 11, 2016
UpdatedMay 18, 2020
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