
Logs aren't being saved on Android devices, even when the source files are updated to reflect output logs. However, they were working in 4.12. iOS logs are showing up in shipping.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a new blank c++ project
2. Open the .sln for the project
3. Search for UEBuildConfiguration.cs
4. Change bUseLoggingInShipping to True
5. Build file
6. Locate Build.h file
7. Control F and find Use_Logging_In_Shipping
8. Enable bUseLoggingInShipping
9. Build file
10. Go back into the editor, package for Android Shipping

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Platform - Mobile
Affects Versions4.13.1
Target Fix4.15
CreatedOct 17, 2016
ResolvedNov 17, 2016
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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