
Cull Distance Volumes cause objects within them to disappear from the World Composition window if they are culled out at runtime.

Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.12.5

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open Editor (any project)
  2. Save .umap
  3. Open World Settings>Enable World Composition (true)
  4. Create a sublevel or import a heightmap tile(s)
  5. In the sublevel, add a cube mesh and a cull distance volume
  6. In the cube mesh, make it large enough to be visible within the world composition browser (should be able to see the top of the cube in the world composition map window)
  7. In the cull distance volume detail's pane>Cull Distances set element 0 and 1 to a massive size value (test used 9999999827968.0) and a Cull Distance of 1.
  8. Press PIE
  9. End PIE
  10. Look in World Composition window


Cube disappears from World Composition window.


Cube is still seen in World Composition window.

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Fix Commit3214641
Main Commit3228374
CreatedOct 25, 2016
ResolvedNov 30, 2016
UpdatedOct 30, 2017
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