
In the Gameplay Tag Query variable, the description the user provides doesn't remain visible in the Default Value when the user closes and reopens the blueprint (though the information is still saved).

The user will have to open the Tag Editor window and closes to make it appear again.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open QAGame in editor.
  2. Create a new Actor blueprint and open it.
  3. In the blueprint, create a Gameplay Tag Query variable.
  4. Compile.
  5. In the Details panel, click Edit.
  6. Enter something into the User Description.
  7. Click Save and Close. Not that the Default Value has the description you provided.
  8. Close and reopen the blueprint.
  9. Select the Query variable.


The Default Value no longer has the description the user provided.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.15
Target Fix4.16
Fix Commit3334228
Main Commit3358685
CreatedDec 14, 2016
ResolvedMar 6, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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