Blueprint Diff doesn't find the difference in changed Child Actor Components in duplicated Child Actors. This seems to be contained to Child Actor Components that are inherited by a Child Actor Class.
User Description:
Diff tool doesn't show any difference of Child actor templates when a child actor component is in the parent actor.
1. Open the attached test project
2. Open the BP_Actor1_Child2
3. Selected the Child Actor Component (Inherited)
4. In the Details panel, make the Scale 50,1,1 (change any other values you like)
5. Compile & save
6. Back in the Content Browser, Ctrl+Left-click select the BP_Actor1_Child and BP_Actor1_Child2 > Right-click > Choose Diff Selected
Results: The Blueprint Diff window will not show any differences between the two BPs
Expected: For the Blueprint Diff window to show differences in the Components section
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