
When moving an actor between levels. We search for the actor using the class name instead of the entire class path. This will cause issues when there are multiple classes of the same name in different areas of the project, as StaticFindObjectFastInternalThreadSafe will find multiple classes and be unable to tell which class should be used.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create two folders
  2. Create an empty actor named "TestActor" in both folders
  3. Add some levels to a map
  4. Add an instance of one of your TestActor actors into the map.
  5. Switch levels using the Level window
  6. Right click on your TestActor in the World Outliner and move it to the selected level
  7. Three "ambiguous search" warnings will appear in the output log

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Cannot Reproduce
Affects Versions4.16
Target Fix4.16
Fix Commit3324940
CreatedFeb 17, 2017
ResolvedMar 1, 2017
UpdatedMay 10, 2017