
Was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below.

Error message:

Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 117] No object initializer found during construction.

Source Context:

  104       	UE_CLOG(!UseVTableConstructorsCache.bUseVTableConstructors, LogCore, Fatal, TEXT("This constructor is disabled."));
  105       }
  107       void UObject::EnsureNotRetrievingVTablePtr() const
  108       {
  109       	UE_CLOG(GIsRetrievingVTablePtr, LogCore, Fatal, TEXT("We are currently retrieving VTable ptr. Please use FVTableHelper constructor instead."));
  110       }
  111       #endif // WITH_HOT_RELOAD_CTORS
  113       UObject* UObject::CreateDefaultSubobject(FName SubobjectFName, UClass* ReturnType, UClass* ClassToCreateByDefault, bool bIsRequired, bool bAbstract, bool bIsTransient)
  114       {
  115       	FObjectInitializer* CurrentInitializer = FUObjectThreadContext::Get().TopInitializer();
  116       	UE_CLOG(!CurrentInitializer, LogObj, Fatal, TEXT("No object initializer found during construction."));
  117 ***** 	UE_CLOG(CurrentInitializer->Obj != this, LogObj, Fatal, TEXT("Using incorrect object initializer."));
  118       	return CurrentInitializer->CreateDefaultSubobject(this, SubobjectFName, ReturnType, ClassToCreateByDefault, bIsRequired, bAbstract, bIsTransient);
  119       }
  121       UObject* UObject::CreateEditorOnlyDefaultSubobjectImpl(FName SubobjectName, UClass* ReturnType, bool bTransient)
  122       {
  123       	FObjectInitializer* CurrentInitializer = FUObjectThreadContext::Get().TopInitializer();
  124       	return CurrentInitializer->CreateEditorOnlyDefaultSubobject(this, SubobjectName, ReturnType, bTransient);
  125       }
  127       void UObject::GetDefaultSubobjects(TArray<UObject*>& OutDefaultSubobjects)
  128       {
  129       	OutDefaultSubobjects.Empty();
  130       	GetObjectsWithOuter(this, OutDefaultSubobjects, false);
  131       	for (int32 SubobjectIndex = 0; SubobjectIndex < OutDefaultSubobjects.Num(); SubobjectIndex++)
  132       	{

Most recent user affected CL: 3348071


[Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed]

Issue call stack shares some similarities with this Jira: na

CrashReporter User Descriptions:

Steps to Reproduce


UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UObject::CreateDefaultSubobject() [obj.cpp:118]

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Foundation - Core - UObject
Affects Versions4.15
Target Fix4.16
CreatedApr 4, 2017
ResolvedApr 5, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018